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Implant Fixture Level Impression - Closed Tray Technique

Posted on 07/20/2011

The closed tray technique for taking an implant fixture level impression varies significantly by system. Generally, the technique requires the use of a metal impression transfer coping with a long ball top screw. The ball top screw is designed to create an undercut in the impression to lock in the impression coping after replacement. However, systems can vary greatly - and some systems - including Bio Horizons and Implant Direct - offer options that allow for the final metal abutment to be used as the impression coping.

Today, we will discuss the technique for a standard Nobel Replace Select 4.3mm implant. A visual guide for this technique is available on Nobel Biocare's website:

The following steps outline the procedure:

1) Uncover the implant by unscrewing the healing cap

2) Secure the Nobel Replace Select Regular Profile 4.3mm closed tray impression coping (part #33540) to the implant. Verify that you have the ball top screw.

3) Add medium or heavy body VPS (vinyl polysiloxane) impression material around the impression coping to ensure secure fit. Light body impression material is not advised.

4) Fill in the remainder of the tray with medium or light body impression material

5) Allow for impression material to set based on manufacturers guidelines - but at least 6 minutes.

6) Remove the impression from the mouth.

7) Unscrew the impression coping from the implant

8) Replace the healing cap.

9) Attach the impression coping to the implant analog (part #29500).

10) Insert the impression coping/implant analog back into the impression ensuring that the ball top screw "locks" into place and the impression coping/implant analog are secure, exhibiting no movement. If there is movement due to ill setting impression material, it is advised to take a new impression.

11) If you do not have the implant analog, then send the impression coping separately to the lab and allow the lab to place it into the impression after they attach it to the implant analog.

12) Send the case to Streamline Dental Lab or your lab of choice.

Implant, Fixture Level Impression, Closed Tray Technique, Nobel Replace Select 4.3mm Regular Profile

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