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Embrasure Clasp

Posted on 12/05/2011

The embrasure clasp is a clasp assembly used when there is no edentulous space near the clasp site. It is called an "embrasure" clasp because it emerges from an embrasure as it approaches the retentive area.

The embrasure clasp is most commonly composed of two adjacent rest seats and four cast circumferential suprabulge clasps - two on the buccal of adjacent teeth and two on the lingual of the adjacent teeth. On each assembly, one clasp is the bracing arm and one is the retentive arm. It is also known as a butterfly clasp as it appears to look like a butterfly from the mesial to distal view. One other name used is the double akers clasp.

The advantages to the embrasure clasp include:
1. Retention
2. Flexibility: May be used in Class II, III and IV RPDs.

The disadvantages of this style clasp include:
1. Fracturing: Fracturing of the clasps often occurs due to insufficient occlusal clearance and poor embrasure preparation.
2. Technique sensitive: The preparation for a proper embrasure clasp requires both the preparation of the rest seat and the interproximal preparation of the embrasures. If not done correctly, the abutment teeth can become wedged.

Embrasure Clasp, RPD Framework, Suprabulge, Frameworks, Dentist, Dental Lab Tech

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