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Dental Lab Rx Forms

Posted on 08/15/2011

Probably the most important and basic tools used to communicate between dentist and laboratory is the Rx form. Curiously, the dental Rx, unlike medical rx forms, is typically provided by the lab rather than the dentist.

The reason for this is likely a result of non-standardized naming conventions within the dental lab industry. Without a standards coding system (like ADA codes for insurance billing), labs have historically created terminology that suited their style, skill set, materials available or business model.

As a result, labs have become accustomed to providing dentists with custom Rx pads that listed all the available options from their particular lab. Labs mostly view Rx pads as a cost of doing business, or occasionally as a marketing tool to show doctors what they are capable of doing.

Over the next several blogs, we will begin discussion of the Rx form - explaining various terminology used on it and ways to help improve communication between dentist and lab tech using the forms.

Dental Lab, Rx Forms, Dentist, Dentist Lab Tech Communication

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