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Chamfer Preparation

Posted on 08/09/2011

Chamfer Preparation:

The chamfer preparation comes in two primary forms: the standard chamfer or the long or deep chamfer. The distinguishing characteristic of the chamfer is that it is rounded from the margin into the axial wall. This stands in contrast to the shoulder prep which has a 90 degree angle.

The standard chamfer prep has a short curve to the axial wall. The long or deep chamfer has a more extended curve going deeper subgingivally. The standard chamfer can be prepared with a long torpedo shaped diamond. The long chamfer is prepared using a round end tapered diamond.

The chamfer prep can be used for both PFM (porcelain fused to metal), Full Cast, or most All Ceramic Restorations. It cannot, however, be used for a porcelain butt margin - which requires a 90 degree angle to fully support the porcelain.

Tooth Preparation, Dental Tooth Preparation, Chamfer, Deep Chamfer, Dental Lab Tech

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